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Philosophy and Culture

Silichev D.A. Cultural Policy of Post-Soviet Russia

Abstract: The subject of the article is the research of the process of developing new cultural policy which is a component of the transition period of Russian society from socialism to capitalism. The research reveals illustration and consequences of the transition period in policy, economy, and culture. The researcher observes general decline in the cultural level, bringing down of the high level of culture to the level of service sector and consumption, degradation of moral, aesthetic and legal environments in society. Social and economic context of developoing a new cultural policy is also analyzed in the article. The negative consequences of culture and art commercialization are given. The legal basis of cultural policy is shown. The basic models of cultural policy are described. The author of the article researches cultural policy in individual sectors of culture. The author also focuses on the analysis of cultural and business partnership. The methodology of the research is based on the systems approach that allows a comprehensive consideration of the object under study and on the comparative analysis of cultural policy of the post-Soviet Russia versus cultural policy of the previous Soviet period. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the fact that, first of all, the author represents one of the first researches in that field in which the development of tje new cultural policy in the post-Soviet Russia is considered comprehensively and profoundly. The scientific novelty is also determined by the fact that the research is conducted in a wide international context considering and at the same time enriching accumulated theoretical groundwork in that field. The author of the article also provides an original and partially new definition of cultural policy. The researcher comes to the conclusion that so far the transition period has been causing more losses than benefits and that the efficiency of the cultural policy will depend on the attraction of new business entities. At the end of the article the author concludes that commercialization is the main threat for culture and art. 


commercialization of culture, culture and economy, cultural policy, Constitution and culture, culture and government, culture, transition period, subject of culture, legislation and culture, social partnership

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