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Pedagogy and education
Shcherbakova A.I. (2015). Art Pedagogy in Terms of Formation of an Art Action Subject - Culture Conductor of the XXIth Century. Pedagogy and education, 3, 277–287.
Shcherbakova A.I. Art Pedagogy in Terms of Formation of an Art Action Subject - Culture Conductor of the XXIth CenturyAbstract: Education of the younger generation who will have to act at both social and personal levels is the main issue of the modern education system. Important contribution to the solution of this problem is made by art pedagogy aimed at educating an art action subject. Art action subject is not only a professional artist but every person who deals with literature, poetry, art, music or theatre to one extent or another. For him the art sphere is the spiritual food that makes his soul 'work' and not to get dissolved in solving entirely pragmatic tasks. In this research Scherbakova outlines the scope of the problem and describes the main methodological approaches to the problem as well as the methods of axiological analysis (axiologically analytical, evolutionally synergetic and prognostically simulative methods) that have proved to be efficient methods in modern art pedagogy. The main conclusion is that art and aesthetic education and up-bringing are a complex many-stage systemic and integrated process of formation of an art action subject contributing to the creation of culture conductors of the XXIth century, their self-identity and willingness to live, create and be active participants in the cross-cultural environment of our time. Keywords: education models, cross-cultural dialogue, creativity, society, pedagogy, personality, art, music education, teaching music, art action subject
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