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Pedagogy and education

Gurevich P.S. Social Thinker

Abstract: The present article is the author's response to Illaria Bachilo's book about a great Russian reformer Mikhail Speransky 'Mikhail Speransky as the Patriarch of Russian Administrative Science' published in Moscow in 2015. In his book Illaria Bachilo describes numerous projects and creative insights of the great reformer and political activist of the first half of the XIXth century. It may seem paradoxical, but his contemporaries knew very little about his life and fate. His mission of a theorist and practical lawyer was not so easy. He lived through ups and downs and dismissal from office. However, he never left the reformation path. The history of his success and failures reflects the difficult path of Russia towards being a powerful and unique country. In the course of his research the author has referred to numerous historical documents and archives. The author also bases his research on classical writings on legal studies and historical researches of reformation in Russia. Mikhail Speransky and his activity have interested researchers for quite a long time. There is quite a number of researches about him which tell us about the history of Russia of the first half of the XIXth century, Speransky's biography and activity as the State Secretary during the reign of Alexander the First as well as his work on codification of laws. Researches of Mikhail Speransky's scientific legacy in the sphere of state structure throughout the reigns of Russian emperors and observation of Russian experience in state management were reflected in the academic literature. However, there are no grounds to believe that all aspects of Mikhail Speransky's life and work have been already studied. In this regard, Illaria Bachilo's research is of great value and importance. 


legal studies, history, up-bringing, education, politics, culture, rule, reform, law, bureaucracy

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