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Software systems and computational methods
Milovanov M.M. (2015). Educational process management system for the Moodle distance learning system. Software systems and computational methods, 2, 145–149.
Milovanov M.M. Educational process management system for the Moodle distance learning systemAbstract: The article describes the experience of creating extensions for Moodle distance learning system within Siberian State Industrial University. The author present an analysis of available solutions and compares approaches of using third-party components for Moodle system and basic functionality. The article substantiates the use of Moodle system without third-party plugins. The research presents main features and disadvantages of using different features of Moodle and third-party plugins. The author gives brief description of used features of the developed application. The method of the study of the problem of integrating distance learning systems is based on the optimization of educational process in the framework of modern approaches to education. In developing of the additional functionality for the system the author used practice-oriented approach in improving features of the system. Using Moodle allows to modifying the functionality without interfering with the source code of the system. The developed system extension can significantly speed up the educational process. Keywords: educational process, plugin, learning, distance learning, distance learning system, education, moodle, software, software development, functional programming
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