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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Tsirina M.A. Legal Regulation of Creation and Activity of International Commercial Arbitration in England and Switzerland

Abstract: The international legal acts, national legal acts of England and Switzerland regulating creation, and also activity of the international commercial arbitration by consideration, permission, a carrying out and contest of arbitral awards on private-law disputes are the objects of research of the present article. Internal rules of the international commercial arbitration of England and Switzerland, regulating procedural aspects of activity of such arbitration, also make a subject of this scientific research. In article on the example of English and the Swiss legislation shows the degree of influence of the international legislation on the development of national laws on the international commercial arbitration and their internal rules. The research considered the newest tendencies of development of legal regulation in this area which can be considered during improvement of the Russian legislation. The methodological device of this scientific research is made by the general and special methods of scientific knowledge which are successfully approved during basic and applied researches, among which: the formal and logical method including the analysis and synthesis, analogy and comparison; system and structural method; the legalistic; the comparative and legal; method of interpretation of law, etc.


International commercial arbitration, the arbitration rules, the rules of international commercial arbitration, UNCITRAL.

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