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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Solovieva S.V. Main Trends of the Development of Federation and States Legislation, Applicable to Nonprofit Organization in the USA

Abstract: The present article represents the study of development of the federal legislation and the legislation of the states in the USA, which regulates activities of nonprofit organization. In the modern world nonprofit organization participates in economic and social activities. The state involves nonprofit legal persons in solution social, cultural and economic problems. This role of nonprofit organizations requires corresponding legal regulation. Nevertheless the activity regulation of legal person forms competence of states, the federation organs creates federal legislation, which regulated nonprofit organizations. In the article the author examines the main trends of development of states and federal legislation on nonprofit corporations and associations, compares the federal legislation on nonprofit organization and the legislation of states applicable to the entity transactions, liquidation of nonprofit corporations and associations. Such research was not carried out before, because the role of nonprofit organizations in the contemporary life was not significant. The results of the investigation shows the development of the federal legislation and states legislation applicable to nonprofit organization in the one trend. This trend consists in: formation the federal legislation, which regulated activities of nonprofit organizations, unification the same states laws, work out a new form of nonprofit organization.


nonprofit organization, uniform laws, nonprofit corporation, law unification, legal person, association, draft, principles of corporate governance, charity, federal legislation.

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