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International Law and International Organizations

Kashirkina A.A., Morozov A.N. Development of Eurasian integration within the context of globalization and regionalization processes

Abstract: The subject of this article is the international law and its dynamics under the current conditions of globalization and integration. The object of this article is the integration processes, which have been named within the science of international law as “Eurasian integration”, and their impact upon the international law as a whole, its correlation with national law, and the conditions of its variability under the influence of globalization and integration. The article examines the issues of theoretical and conceptual nature on the formations of Eurasian integration, cycles of international law, and its variability under the influence of different factors of globalization and integration. It highlights the classification of these factors, substantiated the conclusions on the need to expand the interdisciplinary research, including those pertaining to the fundamental issues of international law. Among the main conclusions is the legal substantiation of the cyclicality in the development of modern international law as an open, rather than closed system, which is simultaneously subjected to convergence and divergence in the ‘focus” of how the processes of integration, regionalization, and globalization correlate with each other.


legal system, regionalization, law enforcement, international community, international processes, state, globalization, integration, Eurasian Economic Union, post-Soviet space

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