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Administrative and municipal law

Vasilenko G.N. Administrative-legal sub-institution of anticorruption avowal

Abstract: The article is devoted to the legal analysis of one of the means of combating corruption – reporting by a public servant his revenue (expenses), property and property commitment. The issues of combating corruption in Russia are urgent; they are considered by the scientific community as well as by law enforcers. In the present conditions the state works out and implements new anticorruption mechanisms of legal regulation of a wide range of public relations. The research is based on the general methods of scientific cognition, including the theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis, the method of deduction and others. Taking into account that the executives are often the participants of anticorruption procedures, the essential part of anticorruption measures relates to the subject of responsibility of administrative law. The scientific novelty of the research lies in explanation of anticorruption avowal from the position of institutional building of a system of administrative law. 


counteraction, a declaration, public servant, expenses, revenue, sub-institution, corruption, avowal, measures, administrative law

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