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Pedagogy and education
Korzhuev A.V., Baksanskiy O.E.
Pedagogical Research In The Context of a Dialogue Between the Author (Researcher) And Scientific Community
// Pedagogy and education.
2015. ¹ 1.
P. 76-87.
Korzhuev A.V., Baksanskiy O.E. Pedagogical Research In The Context of a Dialogue Between the Author (Researcher) And Scientific CommunityAbstract: In their article the authors discuss the philosophical understanding of aresearch dialogue and a classification of dialogues in the pedagogical research space, dialogue as a mean of obtaining new pedagogical knowledge and a form of a multidimensional reflection by participants of the positions, ideas and approaches; and also as a form of research cooperation. The logical bases of the dialogue argumentation focused on such segments as argument to tradition, authority, common sense, belief, analogy are in detail discussed; the statement "pedagogical dialogue as an instrument of obtaining new knowledge" is also covered. The main research methods used by the authors are the premised analysis of a phenomenon from the point of view of the studied problem field, heuristic synthesis and a retrospection of the studied problem.The article covers the following problems: philosophic representation of a research of a dialogue, classification of pedagogical dialogues; dialogue as a method of scientific discovery and a form of multiaspect reflection by participants of their ideas, approaches and positions and as a form of scientific cooperation. Keywords: tradition and analogy, search and research dialogue, thesis research, dialogue as a knowledge tool, argument to belief, authority, pedagogical dialogical culture, multidimensional reflection of a result, scientific dialogue, method of receiving result, research methodology
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