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Culture and Art

Petrov, V. O. Historical Grounds of Modern Performance Art

Abstract: The research subject of the article is one of the most significant art phenomena of the XXth century, performance art that involves synthesis of arts in one piece of art and it is well-known that synthesis of arts is the main feature of post-modernism, the symbol of the modern society. Performance art has been developing through the evolution of general art. The sources of performance art can be found in the syncretic ritual, Medieval street theatre and some theatrical performance of the XVth – XVIIth centuries during Italian Renaissance and Baroque. These sources are studied by Petrov in his article in detail. The research of performance art as an integral phenomenon is performed from the point of view of the historical evolution of art. The main advantage of the research is an opportunity to compare the sources of performance art and performance ideas of the XXth century. This approach allows to fully cover the research subject. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time performance art is viewed not only as an art phenomenon of the XXth century but of the past centuries as well. Genetic prototypes of modern performance art were expressed in the syncretic rituals, dell’arte comedy and artwork created by Leonardo da Vinci, Gian Bernini and other artists, musicians and writers of the past.


Art, art studies, performance art, happening, actionism (the action art), ritual, synthesis of arts, music, architecture, epatage.

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