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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Lasitskaya, E. V. (2014). Approach of Evolutionary Epistemology to the Problem of Constructivist Grounds of Knowledge. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 1299–1310.
Lasitskaya, E. V. Approach of Evolutionary Epistemology to the Problem of Constructivist Grounds of KnowledgeAbstract: The author of the article studies cognitive functions of a subject as the part of the evolutionary Universe. Lasitskaya offers new evolutionary epistemology definitions of knowledge, subject and subjective activity from the constructivist point of view. She describes critics of the weak points of evolutionary epistemology which can be overcome by applying the constructivist principles. Lasitskaya also emphasizes that in evolutionary epistemology the cognitive process involves the elements of constructing, transformation, trivialization and complication and conditioned by biological and trans-biological determinants. Evolution of a subject is related to the growth of his constructivist activity. The subject does not just blend into mesocosm but actively constructs his life world. In her research Lasitskaya has applied evolutionary epistemological, constructivist and activity approaches. The subject is viewed from the point of view of his activity in the environment and active creative position in the cognitive process. Lasitskaya has also reconstructed the basic principles of the evolutionary theory of knowledge based on constructivism by applying the ideas of interactive constructivism, neurophysiologic constructivism, second order cybernetics, Autopoiesis theory, radical constructivism and Ron Amundson’s concept of constraint. Evolutionary epistemology describes constructive activity in cognition as the practice of self-fulfillment of subjectivity in one’s relations with the other world. Keywords: adaptation, perception, knowledge, constructing, cognition, practice, self-fulfillment, subject, subject, subjective activity, evolution.
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