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Culture and Art

Zimonenko, A. R. Experience in Designing Art Exhibitions (Notes of the Cutator)

Abstract: The article provides a review of the practice of designing art projects and exhibitions based on many years of Russian and foreign experience of the family creative team thaht included members of the Russian and German Unions of Architects and Artists Roman Firestein, Lyubov Zimonenko and Anna Zimonenko. The main sections of the article are richly illustrated and devoted to the description of the five major curator’s projects that played the most important role for the families of Firestein and Zimonenko. Those included the projects ‘Soviet Experience’, ‘Nostalgia for Russian Avant-Gardism and Constructivism’, ‘National Traditions’, ‘Family Album’ and ‘Architectural Graphics’. Being the participant of the creative process, the author of the article identifies and analyzes her own activity as a curator of art projects. The novelty and emotional style of the article reflect the author’s personal commitment to the described art practice and her devotion to developing creative family traditions and successful realization of her own ideas and concepts. The article will be of interest to art historians and culture experts as well as artists and specialists working in the sphere of art exhibitions.


Art history, modern fine art, curator activity, art project, art exhibition, exhibition environment, spatial installation, historical-cultural contacts, Russia, Germany, Latvia, family creative traditions.

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