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Police activity

Tadzhibov, V.R. Procedural acts and their implementation in jurisdiction activities of the police.

Abstract: The changes of the last decade in social, economic and political spheres made the issues of strengthening lawfulness and legal order, protecting persons, society and state especially topical. However, as the practice has shown, the goals and principles of rule-of-law state did not yet become a reality. Moreover, currently the state is not capable of reliably protecting life, health and dignity of a person, guaranteeing strict compliance with legislation and its due implementation, the state fails to duly fight various offences, which serve as the nutrient medium for the criminal encroachments. It may be proven by the tendency for the growing number of administrative offences. That is why, it is important to form a balanced and substantiated policy on administrative punishments, being a significant part of the protective policy of the state and having an influence upon a wide range of social relations. The methodology of the article involves provisions of general scientific dialectic cognition method. Additionally, the author used specific scientific and legal methods: historical, comparative legal, logical legal, systemic structural, formal logical, and document analysis. Use of other disciplines in addition to legal ones allowed the author to avoid an overly narrow approach to the relevant issue. Resolving these problems is closely connected with the improvement of the organization of proceedings on administrative offences cases in the internal affairs bodies, since upon the initiative of these bodies tens of millions of people are brought to administrative responsibility. In addition, a comprehensive study of organization and implementation of proceedings on administrative offences cases in internal affairs bodies is topical due to the ongoing drafting of a new Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation, which shall take a significant place within the legislative practice of the internal affairs bodies.


police, policeman, coercion, form, process, act, implementation of law, control, influence, status.

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