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Software systems and computational methods

Novakova N. E., Goryachev A. V., Goryachev A. A. Concept of design management in computer-aided design systems.

Abstract: One of the main directions in the improving of automated design quality is in the use of new forms of automated design process organization. The model of design process is required to complete the task of managing the design process in the automated design systems. The design process can be represented by various models depending on the goals of appliance of the models, on the forms accepted and rules of their construction. The theory of Yoshikawa is in the most extensive use. The aim of the design process is to create a project solution that satisfies all requirements to the developed object mostly expressed in the technical assignment. The design process consists of design stages, design procedures and design operations. Stages are composed of design procedures, each of which in its turn includes a serious of design operations. The article describes the basic principles of the design flow, which are an important concept in the theory and practice of the computer-aided design. The authors compare the basic concepts of the theory of computer-aided design and project management, matches the basic concepts of the theory of computer-aided design and the project management methodology. The authors also present a web-based application for organizing the mechanisms of managing the design works in computer-aided design systems.


design flow, computer-aided design, object recognition, axiomatic approach, formalization of the process, design, task of the management, network models, network diagram

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