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Slepkova, O.A. Defi nition and specifi c features of the anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and drafts of normative legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The article is devoted to the evaluation of the specific features of the anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and drafts of normative legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation. The topicality of this issue is due to its debatable character and it being relatively unstudied within the theory of administrative law. The author analyzes the views of various scientists on defining anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and draft normative legal acts. The author then singles out the characteristic features of the anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and drafts of normative legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation. Based upon the study the author provides her own definition of the anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and drafts of normative legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation. Fighting corruption is a complicated systemic activity, and it is aimed at lowering the amount and neutralizing of the corruption elements in a state, formation of administrative thresholds against it. In the process of the studies the author employed the following methods: general philosophical, theoretical, empiric (dialectic, systemic, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), as well as traditional legal methods (formal logic), and specialized sociological methods (statistics, expert evaluations, etc.). Preventive and prophylactic measures play a special role within the range of means used against corruption, and an important place belongs to organizational and legal means for the improvement of legislative activities. The quality of a normative legal act regulating social relations depends on the efficiency of anti-corruption expertise to a significant extent. Therefore, the use of the anti-corruption expertise mechanism at the stage of drafting of a normative legal act, and namely, establishing the corruption-generating factors, reporting of export opinions, following the procedure of anti-corruption expertise , should preclude formation of corruption elements within the legislative system.


corruption, expertise, expert, counteraction, fight, risk, propensity for corruption, the Federal Customs service, method, style.

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