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National Security

Ozhogin, V.B. State regulation of the institutional investment environment.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of state in the formation of institutional mechanisms within investment policy. It is pointed out in the article, that the state being a foremost important political institution, established the norms and rules for the economic activity subjects. The author also analyzes forms and directions of state influence, and it is noted that investment management is implemented by the state via various legal and normative acts, defining and regulating various parts of this type of activity. It is noted in the article that the state interference into the investment process is necessary to overcome the unfavorable tendencies, lack of attractiveness to investors in some regions and economic branches, passive behavior of economic subjects in the sphere of investment activities. The article includes a definition of the investment policy of the state, including the purposive actions of the state in order to guarantee beneficial conditions for investment, efficient use of investment potential of the state, in order to raise the economic level and to deal with the issues of social and economic development.


institutional sphere, investments, state, state control, investment policy, direct foreign investments, economic security, state regulation, administrative methods, mechanism for investment regulation.

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