Taxes and Taxation
Haritonova E.M.
Developing relationship strategies with tax
organs in settling of disputes
(taxes and Law)
// Taxes and Taxation.
2013. ¹ 5.
P. 346-349.
Haritonova E.M. Developing relationship strategies with tax
organs in settling of disputes
(taxes and Law)
Field tax audit can be roughly
divided into two halves. The first half
takes place in the company’s office, which
is searched for evidence of tax offenses
(which is often found), and the second
half begins after they’ve left and initiated
procedure. By applying the Pareto, or
the 80/20 principle, according to which a
small part of applied effort results in the
major part of the outcome, we realize that
the first half, taking 80% of our time and
patience, results in 20% of the procedure’s
output; thus, the majority of our attention
should be focused on the second half – the
procedure itself, which involves work with
tax organs and solving of disputes.
Taxes and taxation, strategy, verification, tax, tax organs, documents, Ministry of Finance, codex, courts, organization
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