Administrative and municipal law
Lagutkin, A.V., Grudtsyna, L.Y.
On recognition of proprietary rights to the object of underground construction
// Administrative and municipal law.
2013. ¹ 6.
P. 662-667.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62795
Lagutkin, A.V., Grudtsyna, L.Y. On recognition of proprietary rights to the object of underground construction
T he article includes the arguments in favor of the legislative regulation of possible privatization (state
registration of proprietary right) to the objects of underground construction, including those situated in metropolitan
cities. The most efficient development of underground space in the future is possible if the state unites with
the businesses, for which the legalized ability to gain proprietary rights to the objects of underground constructions,
shall be one of forcible arguments for the economic and caring treatment of the geological resources of our
geological resources, underground constructions, subsurface riches, natural resources, extractable resources, environment, the subsurface space, capital underground workings.
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