Taxes and Taxation
Rasnyuk, G. S. (2013). Technical Analysis as an Instrument
of Making Portfolio Decisions. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 228–234.
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Taxes and Taxation
Rasnyuk, G. S. (2013). Technical Analysis as an Instrument
of Making Portfolio Decisions. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 228–234.
Rasnyuk, G. S. Technical Analysis as an Instrument of Making Portfolio DecisionsAbstract: Difficulties in practical implementation of a classical portfolio theory and other concepts of portfolio optimization, in particular, for short-term speculative investment as well as the need of investors and portfolio managers in relatively simple formal methods of investment decision making on the security market, have caused a wide spread of specific instruments of investment analysis combined under the general term ‘technical analysis’. Keywords: economics, technical analysis, investments, decision making, optimization, investment portfolio, principle of inertia, trend, principle of historicism, formation of pricing.
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