Taxes and Taxation
Nadtochiy, E. V.
Horizontal Monitoring as a New Interfacing Tool
in the Sphere of Taxes
// Taxes and Taxation.
2013. ¹ 1.
P. 33-40.
Nadtochiy, E. V. Horizontal Monitoring as a New Interfacing Tool
in the Sphere of Taxes
The article is devoted to the perspectives
of implementation of a taxpayer’s horizontal monitoring
into Russian practice. Having analyzes the
experience of Netherlands, USA, Australia, Great
Britain and Ireland, the author suggests his own
model of partnership in the sphere of taxes: principles,
conditions and purposes of such relationship.
The author also analyzes statistical data concerning
the use of interactive taxpayer services as well
as attitudes of modern Russians towards taxes.
taxes and taxation, taxpayers, exchange, monitoring, agreement, interaction, culture, services, control, risks.
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