Philosophy and Culture
Samarskaya, E. A. (2012). Organized Social World and its Modern Critics. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 87–94.
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Philosophy and Culture
Samarskaya, E. A. (2012). Organized Social World and its Modern Critics. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 87–94.
Samarskaya, E. A. Organized Social World and its Modern CriticsAbstract: The author of the article relies upon a famous philosophical concept saying that the commencement of the modern world, unlike the traditional one, is closely connected with rationalization of both social institutions and humans’ behavior. The purpose of the article is to show how European left became the critics of the rational world and have been having this tendency up to now. The author proves her theory based by analyzing views of the French left and makes a conclusion that the political left refuses from the idea of progress and protests against all social rationalizations while setting forth the freedom ideal as an activity driven by impulses and goals lying beyond their borders. Keywords: philosophy, supremacy, society, organization, rationalization, production, science, progress, autonomy, freedom.
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