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Police activity
Vinnikov A. V. (2012). Police and forensic translations. Word in defence of the Russian legislation. Police activity, 4, 43–49.
Vinnikov A. V. Police and forensic translations. Word in defence of the Russian legislationAbstract: the article contains data collected in the analysis of police institutes and translators in Russia and in developed foreign countries. Legislation allows hiring any person who has sufficient competence in a foreign language as a translator. Traditionally in foreign countries sworn translators and other licensed and accredited translators work, and their taking part in the proceedings is not obligatory. Recently there have been known examples of sabotage of independent sworn translators and agencies against cases of outsourcing by authorities whose goal is to cut budget costs. World sphere of foreign languages is not homogeneous and is constantly changing, which seriously prevents from training of specialists among police translators. The author insists on further development of forensic translation agencies which already function in the Russian Federation and improving their cooperation with police and restrain from simultaneous adaptation of experience of foreign countries. The author suggests criteria of measuring competence of translators. Keywords: police translation, forensic translation, sworn translators, competence of translators, reasonable proficiency of translators, judicial translation agencies, sphere of foreign languages, criminal migration.
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1. Vinnikov A.V. Sudebnyy perevod i sudebno-perevodcheskie organizatsii // Rossiyskiy yuridicheskiy zhurnal. — 2012. — №
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