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International Law and International Organizations
Adjelou, Christian Arnaud
Cross-border insolvency in OHADA Member States.
// International Law and International Organizations.
2012. ¹ 3.
P. 67-70.
Adjelou, Christian Arnaud Cross-border insolvency in OHADA Member States.Abstract: The author speaks of the African model of cross–border insolvency within the context of the Uniform Act organizing Insolvency and Liquidation Proceedings of 4 April 1998, of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa. In the article, the author reviews the following methods as outlined in the Act: universal method and territorial method. In the fi nal analysis, the author has got an opinion that none of these two methods is effective in solving the legal problems associated with the insolvency in Africa and consequently, the author proposes conclusion of agreements between OHADA and other leading economical blocks as European Union, NAFTA,ASEAN etc. for more effective solution of the problem. Keywords: OHADA, cross–border insolvency, Uniform Act, Harmonization, principle of universality, territorial principle, debtor, creditor, collective procedure for the liquidation of liabilities.
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