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Philosophy and Culture

Korsakov, A. I. Herbert Spencer about the Conditional Knowledge and Unconditional Belief

Abstract: The article considers socialization as a term which content is defined depending on an aspect selected by a scientist. It is shown that in order to understand this term it is necessary to be based on provisions of social philosophy, social studies and social psychology and take into account how the term was developed in history. The author of the article also describes the basis of thesaurus concept of socialization.


philosophy, socialization, social studies, psychology, theories, thesaurus, society, process, problem, understanding.

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2. Spenser G. Osnovnye nachala. SPb., 1899.
3. Hamilton W. Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, Education and University Reform. London, 1852.
4. Mill J.S. An Examination of sir W. Hamilton’s Philosophy. 1865.
5. Spencer H. Essays: Scientific, Political, and Speculative. 1891