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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Berezina, T. N., Tereschenko, R. N.
Personal Emotional Creativity: Definition and Structures
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. № 2.
P. 43-50.
Berezina, T. N., Tereschenko, R. N. Personal Emotional Creativity: Definition and StructuresAbstract: The author of the article gives a definition of emotional creativity as an ability to generate all kinds of new emotions and feelings. Emotional creativity is viewed from the two points of view: in a broad sense s a divergent feeling and part of emotional sphere, and in a narrow sense as one’s ability. It is noted that the structure of emotional creativity in a wide sense reflects the structure of emotional sphere and connects with the divergent feeling, the latter being one of the characteristics of emotions, feelings and personal emotional traits. In a narrow sense, emotional creativity is an ability which is connected with activity and creates the basis for artistic talents. The structure of emotional creativity as an ability includes: emotional productivity (fluency of emotions), flexibility, originality and clearness of emotions. Keywords: psychology, emotional creativity, creativity, emotions, feelings, divergent feelings, personality, abilities, artistic talents, emotionality.
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