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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Chernov, D. N. Peculiarities of Parent-and-Child Relationships in Families with Junior Preschoolers

Abstract: Parent-and-child relationships are studied for the point of view of the activity approach. The author of the article suggests a certain set of methods allowing to study peculiarities of formation of the parent-and-child fellowship based on the type of a collective subject. While studying 60 mother-and-junior scholar duads the author has found out that a presubjective level of development of a collective parent-and-child subject combined with the tendency towards reflexion of a parent over their relations. Based on the implemented activity approach the author suggests new guides for psychological and pedagogical counseling of parents and children.


psychology, collective subject, parent-and-child relationship, junior preschooler, activity approach, family, socio-cultural situation of development, subject, parenting style, Mother-and-Child duad.

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