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Culture and Art

Zlotnikova, T. S. Philosophy of Culture Glossary of M. Gorky as a Play Writer in the Translation into the Russian Theater Language

Abstract: In the article the term ‘philosophy of culture glossary’ is applied to M. Gorky’s experience in play write. DeÞ nition and argumentation of the problem is based on the materials of distinguished theatre interpretations of Gorky’s plays in the Russian theatre in the middle of the 20th century. Everyday values and their implementation into life are studied by the example of such plays as The Petty Bourgeois, The Lower Depths and The Last Ones. As a result, the author makes a conclusion about a ß exible and concise coordinate system denoting the life problems and values at the beginning of the 21st century.


cultural studies, philosophy of culture, glossary, playwright, Gorky, life, faith, mercy, lie, disappointment.

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