History magazine - researches
Volkov V. A. (2011). «Igneous fight»: handguns in the Russian army. History magazine - researches, 2. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58144
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History magazine - researches
Volkov V. A. (2011). «Igneous fight»: handguns in the Russian army. History magazine - researches, 2. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58144
Volkov V. A. «Igneous fight»: handguns in the Russian armyAbstract: in the early years of the Russian army not only the sovereign’s servitors people were armed with the handguns, «Igneous fight» as it was then called, but also many of taxpayers (townspeople and county people), especially on the southern borders. Improvement of the handguns, new forms of its production and patterns of use has allowed the political and military leaders of the country to more successfully solve the problem of defense of the Muscovy against external and internal enemies. Keywords: history, army, weapons, «Igneous fight», hand cannon, arquebuses, pistols, carbines, muskets, bandelers.
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