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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Levanov G.S. Legal Regulation of Foreign Investments in the Federal Republic of Germany

Abstract: In this article the author considers eligible issues in the regulation of investment relations based on legal analysis of the laws of Germany, the sources of international law, European law and scientific works of German lawers. The focus is on reform of the German investment law and aspects of European law in this sphere. In addition, the Russian reader has the opportunity to see not only the legal framework, but also with the institutions involved in the regulation of investment processes. The author identifies strong» and weak» sides of the legal regulation of foreign investment in Germany on the base of methods of scientific analysis and comparison. The official statistics of the total volume of German investments abroad and total volume of foreign investments in Germany are proposed in the article


shares, shareholder, guarantees, derivatives, directive, European passport, law, investment, investment fund, capital, catalog sales, compensation, forfeiture, loans, options, swaps, forwards, futures, hedging, hedge funds

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