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Politics and Society

Yanik A.A., Popova S.M. Changes in the system of state administration for science in the United Kingdom after the Brexit referendum

Abstract:   The subject of this research is the current changes in the system of state administration for science in the United Kingdom. The article provided the results of the analysis of the main directions of changed in organization of administration for scientific development, strategic documents, and general ideas of the new British government regarding the principles and methods of state management in this sphere after the referendum on the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union. The modern British experience represents interest for Russia from the perspective of the assessment of efficiency of the vector for expansion of the government’s “presence” in science, selected by T. May’s government as a risk prevention took associated with the consequences of Brexit. The conclusion is made about the negative impact of Brexit upon the international projects of British Scholars, prospects of development of the global competitiveness of British science, as well as the rates of implementation of UK’s plans on achieving the status of the leader of innovations (currently the country is in the “second echelon” on the level of innovation development). In situation of the large-scale external and domestic changes, the efficiency of the course towards further centralization of the system of state administration for science and innovations is not quite evident.  


Innovation Economy, Innovation, Development strategy, Science governance, Science, European Union, United Kingdom, Research and development, Policy, Industrial Strategy

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