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Politics and Society

Davydov S. V. Present and future of the Russian oppositionality and its role in the political life of the country

Abstract: This article explores the causes of the formation of various types of opposition and prospects for development of systemic and non-systemic opposition in modern Russia with variants of development of political situation in the country. The author gives characterization and highlights the differences between each type of opposition, as well as substantiates the character and mechanism of its interaction with the current authority. The work points out the main representatives of the systemic and non-systemic opposition in modern Russia and possible versions of development of opposition depending on the development of the economic situation in the country, including the versions of development of systemic and non-systemic opposition in the conditions of stable and crisis development. The novelty of this research consists in the substantiation of the possibility of minimization of risks of political radicalization of both, the systemic, as well as non-systemic opposition under either version of development of the political process in modern Russian Federation. The author concludes that with constant monitoring of the state of the oppositional political actors using the criteria for the level of political activeness it is possible to determine the situations that directly precede radicalization of the political activity of the opposition.


political competition, political system, systemic opposition, opposition, non-systemic opposition, leader, elections, politician, psychology, characteristics.

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