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Politics and Society

Vlasenko A.A., Sazhnov A.N. The peculiarities of state regulation of the corporate social responsibility in the context of three-sector partnership of modern Russia

Abstract: The subject of this research is the state regulation of the area of social responsibility of business. Special attention is given to the issues of cooperation between state, commercial, and noncommercial organizations in modern Russia. In this article such partnership is being examined as a resource for sustainable development of economy and civil society. Namely the social responsibility is a fundamental element of the inner consolidation of society, which results in the improvement of quality of life. One of the directions of implementation of the principles of corporate social responsibility is cooperation with the noncommercial organizations that aggregate the inquiries of various social groups. This article explores some aspects of the work of such subjects of economy as state, business, and noncommercial organizations in the area of social responsibility. Based on the empirical data acquired during the course of this research, the authors determines the place of the corporate social responsibility within the framework of the three-sector partnership, as well as the level of involvement of the state into the process of establishment of the social responsibility of business in Russia.


social responsibility, three-sector partnership, noncommercial organizations, society, business, state, government regulation, NPO, Corporate social responsibility, stakeholder

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