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Politics and Society

Gevorgyan M.A. Peculiarities of the realization of the family law means of defending the rights of minors in disputes associated with parenting

Abstract: In this article the author thoroughly examines some aspects of realization of execution and means of protection of family rights of the minors in reviewing the disputes associated with parenting based on the relevant judicial practice and examples from court decisions. The author analyzes the order of delivering the court decisions and questions considered by the court on this topic. A special attention is given to the means of protection of this category of disputes. In addition to that, the author examines questions associated with the deprivation of visitation rights. The main conclusions consist in proposition on the improvement of the current family legislation in the sections of obligatory involvement of a professional psychologist in considering the disputes related to the parenting of the minors. The author formulates possible directions of development of the current family legislation aimed at protection of the rights of minors in case of separation of parents.


Family, Society, Means of protection, Deprivation of visitor rights, Protective measures, Judicial order, Rights of minors, Parenting rights, Setting the order of communication, Place of residence of a minor

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