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Politics and Society

Vlasyuk G.V. Staff Engagement as a Tool of Improving Organisational Competitiveness

Abstract: The subject of the research is staff engagement in the creation of an organisational offer recognised as a common issue in international economics. In the article the author analyses the interconnection between the competitiveness of the organisation and staff engagement in the formation of an organisational offer. The author also considers the mechanisms of satisfaction, loyalty and engagement, as well as the interconnection of those with the employee incentive programme. The article considers particular cases that show that the system of material and non-material stimulation built on fair resource exchanges can serve as a base to increase loyalty and engagement, while the violation of such fairness lead to a decrease of those. The article considers the expedience of using non-material stimulation in an organisation as a tool of providing engagement. The author studies the efficiency of various non-material stimulation tools to form and promote satisfaction, loyalty and engagement. Methodologically and theoretically the present study is based on complex analysis and systems approach. Empirical analysis is conducted based on statistical data of secondary research published or presented on the web-sites of companies, as well as the materials of applied sociological research conducted under the author's guidance. The complex research correlates and collates the notions of satisfaction, loyalty and engagement, and also demonstrates characteristic features of the resource contributions of the employees. It has been determined that the efficiency of the organisational structure is increasing progressively as the employee transits from satisfaction to loyalty and engagement. The conclusion is drawn regarding the need to preserve and increase the engagement of employees to enhance the competitiveness of the organisation. The author states the importance of non-material stimulation for the promotion of staff engagement. The article proves the importance of fair resource exchanges in the organisation as a correspondence of the employee's contribution to the volume of material and non-material stimulation to promote the staff engagement. The article discloses the patterns of the negative influence of the fair resource exchanges on the degree of staff engagement. 


organisation, competitiveness, motivation, satisfaction, loyalty, engagement, organisational structure, substructures, principle community, intellectual capital growth

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