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Politics and Society

Zanko T.A. The Evolution of the Executive Power Bodies (the Russian State - the Russian Empire – USSR)

Abstract: The article deals with the main stages of the evolution of the system and structure of executive authorities of Russia, causes and conditions of transformations, legal and regulatory framework of administrative reforms, which allows to formulate the trends of changes within the executive branch. The article covers the time period from XVI to XX century - the history of the Russian state, the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union - and traces the path of transformations of various basic types of central executive bodies: prikazes, collegia, ministries and commissariats and other executive bodies (departments, committees, etc.). The study uses legal, structural, functional and historical methods that ensure a comprehensive study of the evolution of the system of executive power. The article makes a special emphasis on the fact that each successive stage in the executive authorities evolution was aimed at finding the optimal configuration and combination of the functions of public administration within individual ministry, but each new system and structure of executive bodies, having harmony in the initial stage of the administrative reforms, dramatically increased under pressure of objective conditions of public administration, became more cumbersome, less efficient and often self-contradictory, thus creating conditions for the next stage of state reforms.


executive authority, administrative reform, collegia, prikaz, service, public administration, ministry, government, commissariat, Council of Ministers

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