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Politics and Society

Kochetkova, L. N. Results, Issues and Prospects of a Social State in Russia

Abstract: In order to define the results of a twentyyear constitutional development of the Russian Federation and understand the issues related to implementation of the principles of social state into state management, it is necessary to form an axiological understanding of this concept. Within the framework of this article, social state means a particular stage of development of a law-governed state institution that guarantees life-sustaining standards for all citizens and allows to exercise the right to private and public autonomy. From this point of view, the author analyzes implementation of principles of social state in modern Russian policy. The author also makes a conclusion that current theoretical and practical attempts to break down social sate institutions as they are set forth by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, may lead to negative social and political consequences. Therefore, the article focuses on the value of principles of social state for human and civil society. The author concludes that modern Russian institutions of social state must be developed further.


political studies, social state, law-governed state, welfare state, constitution, social policy, social guarantees, social standards, democracy, private and public autonomy.

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