Politics and Society
Shelomentsev, V. N.
Formation of Civil Society Legislation
in Russia and Abroad During XVIII-XIX Centuries
// Politics and Society.
2013. ¹ 1.
P. 4-16.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54001
Shelomentsev, V. N. Formation of Civil Society Legislation
in Russia and Abroad During XVIII-XIX Centuries
The author of the article analyzes evolution
of regulatory and legal environment for building a civil
society and traces back theoretical, legal and historical
grounds and development trends. The author also describes
the legal stages of formation of social associations
and organizations closely related to building a civil society
and a law-ruled state. This creates an opportunity for
further development of legal civil relations and formation
of a law-ruled state institution.
legal studies, evolution of regulatory and legal framework, legal and historical grounds, stages of formation of social associations and organizations, building a civil society and a law-governed state, law-governed state, state and society, legal framework, legal stages, regulatory framework.
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