Politics and Society
Borisenkov, A. A.
About Political Development
and its Relation to the Political Life
// Politics and Society.
2012. № 12.
P. 15-23.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=53987
Borisenkov, A. A. About Political Development
and its Relation to the Political Life
The article is devoted to the concept of political
development. The author describes the nature, stages, ways, grounds and forms of such development. He also
shows the indissoluble connection between political development
and political life and proves the assumption that
political life is one of the elements of political development
which is characterized as political evolution. Based
on studying the structure of political development, the author
provides definitions of grounds and forms of political
life as well as its breaking factors.
political studies, politics, political existence, political life, political dynamics, political transformations, political development, political evolution, political process, political progress.
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