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Politics and Society

Sazonova, A. A. Left-handedness: Humans and cats. Ñomparative analysis

Abstract: Left-handedness is associated with asymmetry of paired organs. Due to the principle of biological safety are endowed with many organs, duplicates of themselves. He has a pair of lungs, a pair of kidneys, a pair of eyes, a pair of hands, a pair of legs, etc. If one of the paired organs fails, another can partially take over its functions. But the complete duplication of nature, apparently, considered a luxury. As shown by observations and experiments, paired organs in humans are developed differently. One of the two paired organs is always dominant. The prevalence of left over right and left-handedness is called. Right-handed world of people - the mirror opposite of the world left-handers. Left-handers is not easy to adapt to a world in which everything is created only for right-handers. Thus, we assume that because the cat family Felidae, and the people… relate to the animal kingdom, the class of higher vertebrates - mammals, it is possible that there is a general and specifi c in levolaposti left-handedness in cats and humans. Which should manifest itself in the psychodynamics of behavior.


Left-handedness, left-handedness, levolapost, psychodynamics, anthropocentrism, tolerance

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