Politics and Society
Karpovich, O. G.
Modern Approaches of the USA and European Union to International Confl ict
// Politics and Society.
2011. ¹ 12.
P. 12-17.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=53808
Karpovich, O. G. Modern Approaches of the USA and European Union to International Confl ict
The article is devoted to the civilization-based cultural approach to modern models, methods and technologies
of psychological management of international and domestic confl icts.
In a modern world there is a great variety of methods and technologies of psychological infl uence on confl icts, however,
if we study them in detail, all of them have distinct cultural and civilization differences, and can be conventionally
combined into the four world-view approaches: Anglo-Saxon, East Asian, Middle Eastern (Islamic) and West
European (Romano-Germanic).
political science, politics and society, international relations, external policy, national security, peacekeeping operations, peace enforcement, confl ict management technologies, international confl ict, USA.
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