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Politics and Society
Egorova, M. A.
Globalization and Euro Integration as Ethnical Challenges
// Politics and Society.
2009. ¹ 9.
Egorova, M. A. Globalization and Euro Integration as Ethnical ChallengesAbstract: Review: European countries face the need to seek approaches to solving the problems caused by globalization, Europeanisation and changes of European political map after fall of the post-Soviet system and rise of new states in the East. More than that, European Countries have to solve such problems as economic difficulties of the last years, military and geopolitical dangers, immigration, islamization and others. In response to these challenges, some European leaders popularize further strengthening of European Union. On the other hand, creation of supernational authorities in EU and, as a result, minimization of a role of national regions have made ethnical groups to question again their role in a new European model. Subjects of a new ethnical movement called ‘the Forth World’ are becoming a new reality of state-to-state relations. By suing the changes in the European system, the Forth World is trying to settle on the international scene, to reach the level of national states and to have equal rights and possibilities with those. Key words: political sciences, ethnicity, globalization, consolidation, European Union, Euro Integration, ethnos, immigration, islamization
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