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Law and Politics

Bogdan V.V., Kirikova A.A. Statutory regulation of “religious” certification of halal products in the consumer market in Russia and Kazakhstan: legal developments in the protection of consumer rights in 2014-2015.

Abstract: This article discusses the legal and technical regulations in the sphere of halal products. The trade in halal products has recently expanded in the global market, including the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors have observed the changes in the product labelling in 2015 and elaborated some practical methods for consumers concerned with identifying the “halal” labeled products. They have also looked into issues that may arise in the legal regulation of this sphere. In addition to analyzing the specifics in the products certification (legal and technical regulation), the authors also identify some examples of rights abuses. Recommendations provided and conclusions reached on the subject in question can be essential for a successful trade performance of halal merchandise in the Russian Federation and other countries of the CIS. The implementation of the authors’ proposals can contribute to both, a more effective protection of consumer rights, and have an impact on commercial performers acting in bad faith, as the latter would bear a risk on an equal basis with the state. In case of breaching common rules and regulations, such performers would discredit the religious products made in their countries on the global market.


products, voluntary certification, manufacturer, standardization, technical regulation, adal, halal, quality, safety, protection of consumer rights

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