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Law and Politics

Volkov N.A. Legal regulation of the work of regional commissioners for human rights if the federal legislation of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The object of this research is the institution of commissioners for human rights on the Russian Federation, including the regional commissioners for human rights. The subject of this research is the legal regulation of the work of regional commissioners for human rights. A special attention is given to the analysis of regulation of the work of regional state human rights activists by the federal legislation of Russia. The article examines the latest innovations of the federal legislation in the area of regulation the work of regional commissioners for human rights. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the fact that since the emergence of the new state mechanism for human rights in the Russian Federation – the human rights institution – over the period of almost twenty years State Duma adopted several amendments to the federal law “On the Principles of the Activity of Commissioners for Human Rights in Constituents of the Russian Federation”. The need for introduction of such law was justified by the lack of proper regulation in the relationship between federal and regional human rights activists, federal executive authorities, and regional commissioners, as well as the insufficient guarantees of the independence of regional commissioners in certain constituents of the Russian Federation. This whole time, only regional laws served as the legal basis of the activity of regional ombudsmen. Currently, the problem is solved due to adoption of the Federal Law of April 6, 2015 No.76-FZ “On Introducing Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation for Improvement of Activities of Commissioners for Human Rights”. The author’s contribution into this research consists in his participation in the course of development of this legislative law as a part of a team under the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Russian Federation.


convict, common legal space, protection of human rights, human rights defender, legal status, unsettled relations, regional legislation, Federal Law, legal status of foreign citizens, human rights activity

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