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Law and Politics

Mantulina O.O. Parental responsibility to provide for their underage children in Russia and other countries

Abstract: This article examines various legal aspects of the parental responsibility to provide for their underage children. A research is conducted on the historical development of this institution, including determination of the circle of the responsible parties, level of their responsibility and size of the alimony, as well as the conditions under which the responsibility to support an underage child is placed upon a parent. The author notes the similarities and differences on this issue within the countries of Anglo-Saxon and Muslim laws, as well as the Romano-Germanic legal system. The research is conducted on the example of Russian, Algerian, Moroccan, German, and Californian family law. The parental responsibility to support their underage children is an institution that is common to family law of all countries, and has emerged over the recent past. The main distinctions can be found between the countries of Muslim legal system on one hand, and the countries of Roman-Germanic and Anglo-Saxon legal systems on the other. These distinctions are expressed in the inequality of genders (mother and father) with regards to responsibility to provide for their underage children, but at the same time, these differences are rather relative.


minors, responsibility, children, parents, support, alimony, law, Russia, foreign countries, family law

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