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Law and Politics

Filimonov, I.A. Practice of application of certain security measures towards the persons under the protection of the state

Abstract: The article involves the study of patterns in the sphere of functioning of the institution of the state protection in Russia, including its modern state, functioning, perspectives and directions of its development. The practice of application of certain security measures towards the persons under the protection of the state deserves special attention. The author provides the studies of the current legislation, regulating the social relations arising in the process of functioning of the state protection mechanism, offering the possible solutions for the revealed problems in the close relation to the practice of application of certain security measures. For the sake of collection, studying and generalization of theoretical and empirical materials the author used general logical, scientific and specialized research methods, analysis, synthesis, observation, comparison, documental studies, formal logical, evaluation, generalization of data, etc., historical and comparative legal methods. The author provided a complex study of the modern state, legal regulation, organization and tactics of the activities of the operative divisions of internal affairs bodies regarding revealing the persons, prevention and interception of encroachments upon the life, health, and property of persons under state protection. The author provided his own interpretation of a number of provisions, which were early insufficiently developed or were not sufficiently developed in the theory of operative investigation activities and theory of criminal law. In particular, the studies concern the issues of organization and tactics of prevention and solving of crimes within the context of protection guarantees by the special operative divisions of internal affairs bodies.


state protection, security measures, encroachments, counteraction, real threat, personal security, temporary placement, movement, confidentiality of the information, provision of weapons.

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