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Law and Politics
Nimaeva, B.B.
Peculiarities of development of the Aginsky Buryat District as a territory with a special status in
the Zabaikalsky region.
// Law and Politics.
2011. ¹ 10.
P. 1666-1673.
Nimaeva, B.B. Peculiarities of development of the Aginsky Buryat District as a territory with a special status in the Zabaikalsky region.Abstract: The article includes analysis of the process of enlargement of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, the author pays attention to the legal aspects of the formation of the new constituent subject, taking the Zabaikalsky region as an example. The author shows practical possibilities for the development of the Aginsky Buryat District as a territory with a special status based on certain programs and concepts. The author analyzes various legislative and normative acts, she also pays attention to the existing experience in the sphere, then she insists on the concretization of the legal bases of the entire algorithm of the process of uniting and development of the territories, possessing special status, as well as on taking the experience of the Aginsky Buryat District as an example for the further similar processes in the Russian Federation. Keywords: political science, federation, asymmetry, community, territory, subject, authonomy, status, culture, Zabaikalsky region.
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