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Law and Politics

Gubenkova, E.V. Theoretical and practical problems of realization of the principle of humanism at the penitentiary institutions: based on the materials of the Astrakhan oblast.

Abstract: Human rights and freedoms may come into reality only when there’s an active legal mechanism, which ensures rights of the convicts, within the specific social, psychological, economical and political context, which would heighten the efficiency of the legal protective institutions and the legal system as a whole. This article provides for the mechanism of realization of the principle of humanism, while executing punishment in the form of deprivation of freedom, it also includes analysis of the problems in this sphere, taking the Astrakhan oblast as an example. The author defines legal and organizational means, which assist the further humanization of the Russian penitentiary spehre. The aricle is written based on the wide range of empiric materials, including the practice of the Ombudsman of the Astrakhan oblast. Keywords: principle of humanism, deprivation of freedom, convict, mechanism of realization of the principle of humanism, penitentiary psycholoogy, personal security of convicts, obligations of convicts, polling of convicts, minimal standard rules of treatment of convicts

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