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Law and Politics

Napso, M.B. National identity in the modern world: social, philosophical, political and legal aspects.

Abstract: On January 19, 1833, Emperor Nicholas I, in a specially assembled meeting of the State Council, announced the creation of a Code of Laws of the Russian Empire, putting an end to the work that had been going on for more than a hundred years to restore order in the legislative array of the country. This article pursues the following objectives: to show the place and role of the Code of Laws in the legal policy of the Russian state; to characterize the conceptual approaches of M.M. Speransky to the creation of the Code of Laws; briefly the content of the works on the creation of the Code of Laws; to analyze the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire as an act of systematization of the legislation of the Russian Empire; to identify the main directions of the influence of the Code of Laws on the development of the legal system of Russia.

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