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Law and Politics

Appendices Extracts from the new Criminal Code of the Republic of France (on terrorism, Art. 421-1 to 422-7; Art. 450-1, 450-2) Extracts from the Criminal Procedural Code of the Republic of France (Art. 706-16) The Circular of the Prime Minister of the Republic of France of September 27, 1975 to the General Public Prosecutors on Hostage-Taking The Circular of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of France of February 25, 1974 to the General Public Prosecutors on Hostage-Taking The Office Direction of the Director General of the National Police of the Republic of France on creation of police mechanism for the hostage-taking cases The Circular of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of France of October 10,1986 to the judges and prosecutors “On Application of Provisions of the Law ¹86-1020 of September 9, 1986 «On Fighting Terrorism and Encroachments upon the State Security” (extracts) The Circular of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of France of October 11, 1996 to the General Public Prosecutors. Comments to the Law ¹96-647 of July 22, 1996, «On Strengthening the Fight with Terrorism”(extracts).

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