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History magazine - researches
Vasil'ev, M.A. (2023). Organization of educational and patriotic work with cadets of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in 1970. History magazine - researches, 1, 28–36.
Organization of educational and patriotic work with cadets of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in 1970.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0609.2023.1.38406EDN: BTNARXReceived: 07-07-2022Published: 17-01-2023Abstract: The subject of the research is the peculiarities of educational and patriotic work with cadets of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in 1970. A brief analysis of the development and transformation of this type of educational activity is given on the example of the work of structural training units of a fire school. The role and list of staff of the command and teaching staff who carried out educational and patriotic work with cadets during the activity of the educational institution are indicated. The research methodology includes a concrete historical approach (M.V. Astakhov, I.D. Kovalchenko, V.F. Kolomiytsev, A.P. Pronstein, etc.), as well as generalization, comparison, synthesis, classification, specification; analysis of archival documents, legislation and scientific literature; retrospective analysis; method of historical analogies. The novelty of this scientific article lies in the fact that during the scientific research, historical sources, archival data describing in detail the history of the formation and development of educational and patriotic work in the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR have been identified and summarized. The conducted research is of interest to a wide range of readers, since the study of educational-patriotic, educational-pedagogical, structural-organizational and service activities in educational institutions of fire protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR is a very important component in the study of the formation and development of departmental education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR on the territory of the Baikal region in the 20th century. Keywords: fire education, educational work, patriotic education, emergency situation, educational institution, training of specialists, educational activities, historical approach, fire community, moral qualitiesThis article is automatically translated.
The educational activity of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School was carried out in the period from 1968 to 1993. During the years of its active activity, 4054 cadets graduated from the walls of the fire school. These indicators were used in the training of highly qualified specialists of the middle command level, and the graduate of the school received the specialty of a fire protection technician, which corresponded to the secondary special educational level, had deep theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to carry out professional activities in practical bodies [5]. A high level of training of cadets was achieved through competently organized both theoretical and practical training. As part of the implementation of this training over a three-year period of study, the author of this scientific work would like to focus on the fundamental element of this activity as the implementation of educational and patriotic work with cadets.
In the whole context of studying this topic, the scientific works of M.N. Agapitov, S.N. Chashchin, V.V. Chernykh, V.V. Sinichenko are of interest [1, 2, 3, 9, 10] – representatives of the scientific community of the Irkutsk region who studied the historical aspects of the formation and development of departmental education of law enforcement agencies and military organizations in the territory Siberian region in the XIX-XX centuries. The research methodology includes a concrete historical approach (M.V. Astakhov, A.P. Pronstein, etc.) as well as generalization, comparison, synthesis, classification, specification; analysis of archival documents, legislation and scientific literature; retrospective analysis; method of historical analogies. [4, 8]. The main purpose of this scientific article is a historical generalization of the practical activities of employees and cadets of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School, in matters of educational and patriotic work organized during their educational and professional activities. In general, considering the activities of fire protection units, regardless of the time period, it is worth highlighting a very important factor in this type of professional activity, namely the risk factor. Risk to the life and health of the firefighter himself. In this case, carrying out measures to extinguish a fire, eliminate an emergency situation, and rescue citizens is always associated with the above factors. The performance of their official duties in conditions of risk is equated in the professional environment of firefighters, to participation in combat operations, where success in fulfilling the assigned service and combat task depends on the level of not only vocational but also moral and volitional training. Taking into account the above aspect, the author of this scientific work tried to highlight and consecrate the element of educational and patriotic work in the training of cadets from the perspective of historical retrospect on the example of the educational activities of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School. Education in the spirit of patriotism, loyalty to the oath and duty of a firefighter, was an important part of the training of future firefighting specialists. This element of moral and moral education accompanied the cadets during training sessions, scientific activities, sports training, in the implementation of the social life of the school, during the established rituals at the school, performing service and combat tasks to extinguish fires and eliminate emergencies, etc. For a more detailed consideration of this element of training, it is worth saying that for the first time a young man who chose the path of a firefighter and expressed a desire to study at the Irkutsk Fire Technical School faced the implementation of educational measures against him at the stage of future professional orientation. It is important to note that representatives of departments of practical fire protection bodies, as part of the recruitment of candidates for training in specialized educational institutions of the fire protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, conducted vocational guidance classes among students of secondary schools. These classes were introductory in nature, and in their essence were also educational in nature aimed at awakening the interest of school students in the future development of the profession of a firefighter. It should be pointed out that a similar element of the implementation of propaganda and educational activities of an educational nature is carried out in the modern period by specialized educational organizations of the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. For a more detailed consideration of this problem, according to the author, it is necessary to turn to historical facts in matters of educational and patriotic work on the example of cadets who entered the Irkutsk Fire Technical School in 1971. In 1971, about 300 applicants arrived from the component regions of Siberia and the Far East to enroll in the Irkutsk Fire Technical School. After passing all the preparatory procedures of a personnel and medical nature, for the entrance exams, applicants were divided into groups of about 25 people and sent to the suburban base of the school located near the village of Moskovshchina near Irkutsk [12, p. 106]. Starting from this introductory stage, applicants were completely immersed in the situation of a paramilitary team with the mandatory implementation of the elements of the daily routine of the unit. At the same time, in order to study professional orientation, conduct political, educational and explanatory work for candidate groups from among the command and teaching staff, the following employees were appointed: Group 1 – Lieutenant Colonel Solozhenikin B.A.; group 2 – technician-Lieutenant Derevskov M.A.; group 3 – Senior engineer – Lieutenant Ponomarenko M.P.; group 4 – engineer – Captain Vasiliev V.A.; group 5 – engineer – Major Korshkov A.N.; group 6 – senior technician – Lieutenant Samsonov A.P.; 7 group – engineer – captain Cherepanov Y.S.; 8 group – engineer – captain Baida B.F.; 9 group – engineer – major Karpov V.A.; 10 group – captain Ilyenkov N.A.; 11 group – senior technician – Lieutenant Tuturin N.S. [12, p. 106]. At the same time, the deputy head of the school for the political part, engineer-Lieutenant Colonel S.S. Zyryanov, was instructed to conduct classes with the above-mentioned employees in order to orient their attention during educational activities with applicants to discipline, identify personal qualities and professional orientation of applicants, with information about the specifics of service in fire protection units. At the same time, the curatorial activity of the command and teaching staff was maintained at all courses and for all study groups throughout the entire training period. After passing the entrance tests in 1971, 194 cadets were enrolled for training. After entering and enrolling in the Irkutsk fire technical school, first-year cadets passed the stage of initial military training in conditions close to field conditions. Also on the territory of the suburban base. The applicants were divided into 6 study groups of 30 – 34 cadets. It is important to note that the elements of educational work are initially laid down in the daily routine of cadets. It is this aspect, according to the author, that is a fundamental element in the education of cadets, since in this case, maintaining discipline and fulfilling the daily routine items in time optimizes the activities of the entire unit throughout the training period [12, p. 124]. One of the elements in the political and educational, patriotic work with cadets in 1971, was the decision of the acting head of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School, Colonel Degtev I.A., to organize the work of the amateur brass band of the school. The brass band consisted of 19 cadets from all training courses [12, p. 137]. The main purpose of the brass band's activity was to improve the drill readiness and bearing of the personnel of the school, increase the cultural level, carry out propaganda and popularization of musical art, develop amateur performances and improve the organization of recreation of cadets in their free personal time. It is important to note that the activity of the school's brass band was an important part of the celebrations and continued its creative activity until the end of the school's educational activities in 1993. The next element in conducting educational work with cadets at the Irkutsk Fire Technical School was the creation and organization of amateur art circles. At the same time, it is important to note that amateur art was an important form of educational work among cadets. It had a positive impact on improving the cultural level of cadets, strengthened a conscious attitude to the performance of official duties and discipline. The organization of amateur art circles in the fire school was divided into three main sections. These are: - vocal and choral performance section, - dance section, - dramatic and artistic word section. As the practice of creative activity of these circles within the walls of the school has shown, this educational aspect had a fruitful impact on the morale of cadets and staff [12, p. 178]. No less important in the organization of educational and educational work in the fire school was the holding of an annual review competition for the best study room. It should be noted that this event was held annually until 1993. The main educational objective of this review-competition for the personnel of the school was to increase the educational and methodological level of teaching social, general technical, special and military disciplines, as well as to activate the cognitive activity of cadets in training sessions and improve their academic performance [12, p. 184]. The educational and educational goals of this event included: - improving visibility and improving the aesthetic level of classrooms; - replenishment of the educational and material base of the classrooms of the educational cycles of the school with new demonstration materials, operating models, electrified stands, diagrams, light plans, filmstrips, tape recordings of reports, consultations, educational films: - development of methods of using technical means of teaching in classes, lectures, seminars and practical classes, during the hours of independent work of cadets in classrooms. According to the author of this scientific article, the most important elements in the educational and patriotic work with cadets were two solemn events. The first is the ritual of swearing in first-year cadets, and the second is the solemn ritual of graduation of young specialists from the school. In general, the oath ritual was held at the Irkutsk Fire Technical School 24 times from 1968 to 1992, events for the graduation of young specialists 22 times from 1971 to 1993. On the example of the activities of the fire school in 1971, it should be noted that the first event for the graduation of young specialists took place on June 30, 1971. 152 fire protection lieutenants graduated for the first time from the walls of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School [12, p. 78]. The graduation took place in a solemn atmosphere on the square near the monument to V.I. Lenin in the center of Irkutsk. This event as a whole was of a huge educational nature for future graduates. In organizational terms, preparations for this solemn event began to be carried out a month before graduation. According to the established tradition, graduates who graduated with honors (red diplomas) were the first to receive diplomas, then the rest. Also, the head of the regional fire protection units from the recruitment regions were invited to this event on a mandatory basis every year. Representatives of party organizations of the Irkutsk region and Irkutsk, representatives of veteran organizations of fire protection, as well as veterans of the Great Patriotic War, were invited to express wishes for a long and fruitful service. The most memorable element during the graduation ritual was the last ceremonial march under the banner of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School. It is important to pay attention to some elements of performing the actions of graduates in a solemn formation. When giving the command "score" for the first time, the drill box took the position of attention in the marching-drill position, after giving the second command "score", the drill box of graduates answered with a friendly "and that's it", and tossed up a handful of coins. With this element of the ceremonial passage in the ranks, graduates-firefighters summed up their graduation and passed into the category of practical workers of fire protection units. Exactly after a month of vacation, all graduates had to arrive at the territorial authorities for service. It is important to note that the tradition and procedure for conducting the graduation ritual to the Irkutsk Fire Technical School passed from the Sverdlovsk Fire Technical School, together with employees seconded from this educational institution in 1968. Further, on December 5, 1971, a solemn event was held within the walls of the fire school to bring first-year cadets to the military oath. Special attention should be paid to the preparatory classes conducted with the cadets immediately before the event itself. In the organizational plan, the deputy head of the school for the political part, engineer-Lieutenant Colonel S.S. Zyryanov, was prescribed: - organize work to explain to first-year cadets the meaning of the unit's Banner, the military oath, military discipline and the honorable duty that is imposed on military personnel who have taken the military oath of allegiance to their people, their Homeland and the Soviet government, as well as articles and provisions of the Constitution of the USSR. - to provide for a solemn meeting on December 5, the day of the Soviet Constitution, on the basis of the college club, a meeting with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as viewing a solemn concert and films on military-patriotic themes [12, p. 187]. The holding of such and many other educational and patriotic events was of an annual systematic nature at the Irkutsk Fire Technical School. It is important to note that the competently planned work on the education of high moral and volitional qualities among the cadets of the school, as an illustrative example, was reflected in a very important indicator in the activities of the school. Namely, during the years of educational activity of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School from 1968 to 1993, 7 cadets were awarded state awards of the USSR, medals "For Bravery in a fire" [1, p. 93-94],[7, p. 71]. In the professional fire environment, this award was a special distinguishing sign, as an indicator of professionalism and courageous behavior in the elimination of emergency situations that posed a danger to life. (see fig. 1, 2).
Fig. 1. Medal "For bravery in a fire" - the state award of the USSR (front side). The photo is freely available on the Internet.
Fig. 2. Medal "For bravery in a fire" - the state award of the USSR (reverse side). The photo is freely available on the Internet.
Over the years of training activities of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School, thousands of specialists have been trained for fire protection of the territories of the entire Soviet Union and subsequently the Russian Federation [11, p. 28]. The traditions of educating future officers, laid down in the distant years of the formation of the fire school, are carefully passed on to young cadets and students as the basis of continuity between generations of law enforcement officers and in this modern period of development of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The main elements in the continuity of generations at the present stage are the activities of the museum of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, with its unique exhibits from the history of the creation and activities of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School. The uniforms of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, school employees with military awards bring a special flavor. It is also necessary to note the activities of the veteran organization of the Institute, headed by retired police Colonel M.A. Vorozhtsov, who once went from a cadet of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School to the deputy head of the Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Also, the patriotic education of the modern generation of cadets is influenced by the social and teaching activities of the institute's employees who are veterans of military operations. References
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